Landscape Course

Landscape Course

Welcome to my online course, ‘The Landscape’. The purpose of this course is for you to learn to use paint in order to evoke a mood or atmosphere without copying an image exactly. The course is tailored more towards using oil paint but please feel free to use acrylics if you prefer. I will be…

Bold Blooms Course

Bold Blooms Course

Welcome to my ‘Bold Blooms’ online painting course. This course is suited for all levels including complete beginners to professionals. In this course, I will be teaching you to create beautiful floral paintings. I have tailored the course more towards using oil paint but please use acrylics if you’d prefer! The course is more about…

Abstract Florals Course

Abstract Florals Course

Welcome to my online course, ‘Abstract Florals’. The course is suitable for all levels including complete beginners or those who have had experience in painting. Learn how to use the qualities of the paint to capture the essence of flowers. You will create beautiful, expressive paintings rich in colour, texture and gesture.    I am…

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